Good Afternoon

This is your Friendly informer:

As we prepare for the Thanksgiving Holiday, let us remember how blessed we are to be here. We have so much to be thankful for, for some our health may not be the best, others perfect health and some mediocre. But what we all have in common is the fact that we are all still here in the land of the living. I'm thinking thankful!

Keep in mind that we are going to be around all kinds of food dishes some healthy some not so healthy. Remember you have the power to choose what's best for you, we all may cheat a little, but don't over do it keep it in moderation. Your health is more important than your food cravings. In order for your brain and heart to function well they must be nourished properly. 

There are plenty of healthy dishes that can be cooked up on this Thanksgiving Holiday. If you are going to cheat, be wise in your choices. If you think you shouldn't eat it, don't eat it. Follow your brain and not your heart, your emotions don't always lead you the right way, so be smart. Choose health.

Until we meet again: Think Thankful!  

Breast Cancer Awareness


This is your friendly informer:

As we all know this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I would like to take this time to encourage all the women to go and have your yearly mammogram and for those who have already been doing it, to continue.

It is extremely important to have your yearly mammogram done to make sure you are doing well. Early prevention helps a great deal. In the event something is detected you could be treated promptly and stand a better chance of being a survivor. 

Food for thought: Early prevention could mean having regular mammograms along with some dietary changes. While this may not always not anything bu it can certainly increase your chances for survival. Somethings are proven to be genetic, that may or may not be the case, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make better choices when it comes to your health. Somethings can become apart of our diet if their not already such as grapefruit and lemons just to name two simple foods. Grapefruit and lemons have been said to be very nutritious for the breast in prevention of  breast cancer. They contain a substance called Limonoids, which are responsible for the bitter taste. Like vitamin C they have antioxidants properties that help destroy free radicals that roam about the body. The Limonoids in lemons also have the ability to help prevent the development and growth of cancer cells. When tested against human cancer cells, Limonoids not only slowed the growth rate of cancer cells they also were responsible for the rapid death of  cancer cells.

I am not suggesting that you ignore the advice and instructions of your physician, if  you are dealing with this dreadful disease, but to be mindful of your diet as well. Do continue to follow your caregiver's instructions.

Until we meet again: Have a Good Lemony Day!

Good Morning!


This is your friendly informer:

"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

We all have heard the saying emotional eater. An emotional eater is a person who eats based on how they feel, eating what they want instead of what the their bodies need. With this type of attitude one does not necessarily make the right choices. An emotional eater is not just a person who appears to be overweight but it can be a person who appears to be the right size. It is eating because you are feeling depressed or lonely or excited, or just out of habit. Whatever the emotion anyone can fall prey to that. Instead eat the foods that will help bring you out of that emotional state verses foods that will keep you in it.

We often make choices based on our emotions at the time. Instead of intelligent choices based on the right way to think about our health. Think about it are you an emotional eater or intelligent eater? Do you eat with your brain or emotions? Do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do.

Food for thought: Choose today to become a person who eats with there brain and not their emotions. Paint the picture of wisdom today, by making healthy, wealthy and wise choices. We want the brain and heart to stay connected in the right way to help us to make intelligent decisions concerning our health.

Until we meet again: Have a Hearty Thoughtful Thursday!
   Good Morning!

This is your friendly informer:

Reminding you of your fitness regiment for the brain and heart which will benefit your physical body as well. Are we up and about getting that blood pumping and circulating throughout our bodies, by exercising that heart muscle and stimulating that brain?

Did you know that the brain needs 20 percent of your body's blood supply; twenty percent of the body's total oxygen supply and 65 percent of it's glucose? Along with the rich supply of glucose comes a host of nutrients that are needed by the brain. Your heart needs to help your brain receive the supply it needs by pumping the necessary blood supply.

Did you know that exercise helps to boost your self confidence. When you feel good about yourself you will care about yourself. Let's learn to love who we are. Don't give up on you. A healthy heart and a healthy brain will help encourage that.

Food for Thought: Take a look at the foods that help produce a healthy heart and brain. Chicken 
fish, turkey are also healthy foods, along with other nutrient rich supplements.

Until we meet again: Have a heart felt thoughtful day!

Taking The Time

Good Morning!

This is your friendly informer:

Greeting you with a provoking thought for the today.

"Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to fine time for illness." Edward Stanley

Think about, it's your choice; choose life.

Until we meet again: Have a healthy thoughtful day! 
Thursday Morning Triumph

Hello this is your friendly informer:

Hello everyone, yeah I know it's been a couple of days seen I have posted anything. It's Thursday, and we are over the hump of the week! So how have we been doing with the information I've been giving so far.
Are we sticking to our routine of exercise, for the brain as well as the heart. Remember it is extremely important that you not only exercise your physical body but your heart and brain as well, don't you agree I thought so. 

Let's get those bodies up and going. Walking as we have said is a great exercise for the total body, walk at whatever pace is comfortable for you. Are we still getting some reading in to help stimulate your brain and soothe your heart from the day to day stress of life? These are just little things that we can do to improve our over all health, just one step at a time.

Food For Thought: The five basic food groups are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and dairy. Color your plate today with these food groups. Just eating right will make you feel better about treating your body right, try it you may think feel and rest a whole lot better.

Until we meet again: Have a Thursday Morning Triumphant Good Time! 

Hello this is your friendly informer:

Monday Morning Good Mood

Today I want to give you something to think about. You change your thoughts you change your life, everything changes with a decision.

So it is with your health make a decision to better your health. Your life depends on it. 

Food for thought: Let's start out small and end big. Small baby steps will help you to stick with the healthy plan you have created for yourself, so you won' revert back to old eating habits. Have a nice healthy meal and snack on some fruit instead of cookies, chips and candy. Feel the difference in your body. Once you experience a feel good you will never go back. Nothing like feeling better.

Until we meet again: Have a Monday Morning Good Mood!

Feeding the hungary

Hello this is your friendly informer:

 It's Flaming Friday

Well it's Friday, and we have made it to the end of the week! Most of us are winding down from a work week to relax or to get geared up for the weekend. Just as we prepare our schedules for work, family, friends, social events etc., let's also prepare for ourselves. Sometimes we lose ourselves in the process, and leave ourselves unattended.

We have been talking about the health of the brain and the heart. We don't want to forget those things that need special attention. Without the health of these, we would not be able to do the other things we enjoy so much.

As we prepare our meals or main dishes for our families, friends, colleagues etc., prepare your heart and brain to be fed also. On yesterday, we discussed reading as being a very healthy exercise for the heart and brain, that helps to keep it alert, active, and calm. Reading takes your imagination to another realm. It stimulates brain activity in a positive way, while at the same time creating a mood to soothe the heart from the daily stress of a work day, or just life in general.

This country is experiencing a government shutdown because of the lack of agreement. So many people are suffering because of it. Are you one of them? Just think of the affect your life will have on the people around you if your government decided to shut down, meaning your bodily functions (brain and heart), because of a lack of agreement based on a wrong decision. All it takes is making the right decision to do something so that others may benefit. Remember, your life is not just about you; it's about the welfare of other people as well as yourself. We ought to live our lives unselfishly.

Make a decision to get healthy for the people you say you love, exercise that body, brain and heart. Take a nice long walk, or short one. We all know what we can handle. You must start somewhere. Seek the advice of professionals for your personal physical needs to know what works best for you. Remember, the health of your government depends on it. Let's get the fire started!

Food for thought: We are in the Fall of the year. A season when the body's resistance is not very strong at times. Remember vitamin C is very necessary for the immune system, along with some others foods that have this vitamin in it, to remain strong enough to fight off these colds, and viruses. Plenty of water, oranges, broccoli, etc. are a good source of this vitamin. Don't forget the chart posted on Tuesday.   

Until we meet again: Have a Friday Flaming Good Time!  

Brain Health

Hello this is your friendly informer:

Triumphant Thursday

Well yesterday was Wednesday, also known as hump day. We have gotten over the hump of the week and are now triumphant, we made it!

We have been talking about how important it is to have brain health as well as heart health. The heart needs the brain and the brain needs the heart to function properly, along with good nutrition and exercise. Don't you agree? I thought Let us understand that we are never to old to start again. While some may believe it's too late, others may say it's not soon enough.

Let us try an exercise that helps the brain to be active, because just as the physical body needs exercise to function at it's optimal level, so does the brain. Let's work to help keep it sharp and alert. This exercise is called Reading, yes reading is a great exercise for your brain to help improve the rate in which your brain thinks. Reading also helps to calm you down, which in turn relieves stress, which is good for the heart. How about that, two birds with one stone.

So grab a good book and let's exercise that brain and soothe away the stress.

Food for thought: Read and Feed your brain the nourishment it needs to stay active, alert and thinking properly. Read and Relieve your heart of the stress so your heart can relax, while your brain works.

Remember to keep viewing the chart that was posted Tuesday on the foods that help contribute to the health of your brain.

Until we meet again: Have a Triumphant Thursday Good Time!

Heart Health

Hello this is your friendly informer:

Yesterday we talked about laughter. The benefits it serves to the heart and body. Did you remember to take your stress free tonic today?

A stress free mind is a productive mind. Remember we need our brain to be healthy so we can continue to think, look and feel good at any age.

Food for the heart: Laughter, it does good like a medicine.

Until we speak again.

Hope you had a Wednesday Whoping Good Time!

Brain Health

Tuesday Morning Good Time

Hello this is your friendly informer:

It's another day and we  have been talking about the health of the brain. So did you have your avocado? Since it's Tuesday I thought we share a little more information on brain health. First let us talk about what the brain needs to be healthy. We shared on yesterday a little information, and Food For Thought. Those of you who read the post on Monday know what I'm referring to.

Place two fists together, with your inner wrists touching. Your brain is about this size and shape. It is amazingly soft, composed primarily of fat and water. It is grayish and pudding like, composed of 100 billion brain cells, called neurons, that drive our thinking, learning, feeling and states of being. Neurons need good fats, protein, complex carbohydrates, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and water. These nutrients are used to drive the learning functions of neurons. Neurons are shape somewhat like an outstretched hand, with fingers spread. Dendrites (the fingers) receive information from other neurons, which is then sent through the axon (arm) to another neuron. As neurons connect, they communicate using a process called neurotransmission. As a person thinks, speaks, moves or feels, electrical impulses triggers the release of messengers chemicals, called neurotransmitters, which travel across the synapse, transmitting information to the next cell. This is called cell to cell communication, which forms the basis of learning. NT's help connect verbal, emotional, visual and kinesthetic memories. They connect prior learning to new learning.

Food For Thought: Neurons are prone to damage from environmental toxins that make there way into our systems, as well as toxic byproducts formed in the body. The first line of defense, antioxidants from food. Diets low in antioxidants have consistently been shown to cause and contribute to illness and disease. The brain, due to it's high fat content, is especially vulnerable to damage  and requires high levels of antioxidants for protection. What nourishment does the brain need? The blueberry I've learned is a good antioxidant, there also are some other choices in case you are not fond of blueberries such as:  

RankFood itemServing sizeTotal antioxidant capacity
per serving size
1Small Red Bean (dried)Half cup13,727
2Wild blueberry1 cup13,427
3Red kidney bean (dried)Half cup13,259
4Pinto beanHalf cup11,864
5Blueberry (cultivated)1 cup9,019
6Cranberry1 cup (whole)8,983
7Artichoke (cooked)1 cup (hearts)7,904
8Blackberry1 cup7,701
9PruneHalf cup7,291
10Raspberry1 cup6,058
11Strawberry1 cup5,938
12Red Delicious apple1 whole5,900
13Granny Smith apple1 whole5,381
14Pecan1 ounce5,095
15Sweet cherry1 cup4,873
16Black plum1 whole4,844
17Russet potato (cooked)1 whole4,649
18Black bean (dried)Half cup4,181
19Plum1 whole4,118
20Gala apple1 whole3,903

Remember to also drink plenty of water, it does the brain good.

So until we speak again have a Tuesday Morning Good Time!
Monday Morning Good Mood: Brain Health

When we speak of being physically fit, or getting into shape, it is often just associated, to be fit and trim physically, with our physical bodies that we concentrate on and not our brain. Have you ever considered  the mental fitness of your brain, how healthy is it?

Just like the physical body we alter and change what we eat and exercise in order to attain or maintain the weight that we want or the physical appearance we desire. Even so, we must do the same to attain or maintain brain health to function at the optimal level of which we were created.

Understand the importance of your brain and how it works in order to keep it functioning well. It is the most valuable and precious computer you will ever have. It works day and night to keep you alive, brilliant and vital.

Food For Thought: Did you know that avocados are good in promoting brain health? It is a fatty fruit, with monounsaturated fat, which contributes to healthy blood flow. Healthy blood flow means a healthy brain. avocados also lower blood pressure. Hypertension is a risk factor for the decline in cognitive abilities.

So instead of having Monday Morning Blues, you can have a Monday Morning Good Mood...LOL. Have an avocado, it just might change your mood.

Until we speak again. Have a Monday Morning Good Mood!

Heart Health

Be kind to your heart:

Be careful what you feed your heart just like the body it can get sick too.

With all the pressure we have to deal with in life, sometimes it can be very stressful. But one of the things that we can do to help relieve stress, is are you ready LAUGH. Laughter is good for the body and heart. It helps to stimulate many organs, activate and relieve your stress response and soothe tension.

When the pressures of life try to wrap you in depression and hopelessness. Just laugh and set your body and mind free.

Until we speak again LAUGH OUT LOUD!